Aliter Technologies on Google Cloud Day Prague

  • Conferences
On 21st of March 2019, we participated at Cloud Day Prague conference, where Google presented news provided on Google Cloud Platform.
Aliter Technologies na Google Cloud Day Prague

We work with cloud Technologies for a long therm. We focus on private, hybrid and public cloud and therefore Google Cloud Day in Cubex centre Prauge did not miss our attention. The audience consisted of various business representatives from Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Nowadays, there is overwhelming amount of structured and unstructured data, and to work, analyze and report them is a great technological challenge. In this topic, we were interested in Smart Analytics.  Within presentations we learnt about collection, analytics and data visualization techniques for Big Data, Machine learning and IoT, provided by Google Cloud Platform.

The use of BigQuery tool, what connects Big Data and Machine learning, was demonstrated on the marketing. All data collected about clients and transactions were analyzed and on the basis of predictive models can companies accommodate business strategy for example on the basis of clients profile or the development of goods sales.

From the Canadian market, we have the experience of implementing many migrations to public clouds through the transformation of information systems operated on-premise to container or serverless services operating in public clouds. Presentations in the Infrastructure Modernization and Application Development were interesting in this area. Presentations focused on GCP solutions for infrastructure and advanced application development. The key words in these presentations were the word serverless and the containers that are currently among the most inflected words in the cloud world. As part of their presentations in this block, Google experts have introduced new applications development and management solutions in these areas. The Knative tool introduced by Google was developed with partners and extends the current Kubernetes platform to support Serverless Technology.

Conference introduced familiar but also new tools offered by Goggle within its Google Cloud platform. Among the presenters were Google employees who are involved in the development of the solutions themselves and it was very beneficial to discuss these issues with them. We will definitely return to the tools presented and test them. With this conference, Google has certainly confirmed that it will also create the future of the cloud.



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