Aliter Technologies - the silver partner of the ITAPA 2018
- Conferences
The conference that took place on May 22, 2018 at Crowne Plaza Bratislava was opened by Richard Raši, Deputy Prime Minister’s Office for Investments and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, who for the first time officially presented the results of a national survey about the use of electronic services, and introduced a breakthrough step that his office managed to enshrine in legislation.
Filip Mikuš, the Security Specialist from Aliter Technologies presented relevant information during the Cyber Security and Privacy block. His presentation was dedicated to SIEM, a technology for security information and event management that represents a higher level of IT infrastructure security.
In the Effective public administration block, Samuel Arbe, a representative of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic, who is in charge of the operational programs for effective public administration. In the lecture, he particularly focused on why not only intelligent cities are about technology.
The block dedicated to the new generation projects brought also the so-called pre-mortem analysis of our informatization, which was presented to the public by Emil Fitoš from the IT Association of Slovakia. In his lecture he focused mainly on the risks of the current status and the development of informatization in Slovakia.
ITAPA welcomed Mikko Annal, Director of Innovation in the Finnish think tank Demos Helsinki, who talked about the most successful experiments and their positives for governments during the Strategic Trends in Company Digitization block.
Furthermore, the last block – Strategic Trends in Company Digitization also contained presentation by Luke Revenscroft from The Behavioral Insights Team that focuses on the involvement of behavioral psychology in state or local government and the search for ways to harness social psychology and the behavioral economy to improve public administration work.