Aliter Technologies has traditionally become a partner of the annual conference Together on Security and Defence

  • Conferences
Aliter Technologies has traditionally become a partner of the annual conference of the Slovak security and defence community Together on Security and Defence organized by the Slovak Security Policy Institute (SSPI).
Aliter Technologies has traditionally become a partner of the annual conference Together on Security and Defence

The SSPI is an independent, non-governmental organization that unites experts on security and defence policy issues from various governmental, non-governmental, private and academic institutions.

The main topic of the April debates in Beladice near Nitra were the current challenges and threats that Slovakia faces today, from the challenges of modernization to cyber security. The conference is traditionally attended by leading representatives of the academic community, non-profit organizations, the private sector, as well as of the state administration, including senior diplomats. Our company was represented at the event by Peter Dostal, the CEO of Aliter Technologies.


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