Autumn ITAPA 2023

  • Conferences
November 21st belonged to the autumn edition of the ITAPA conference.
Jesenná ITAPA 2022

Konferencie ITAPA patria medzi najväčšie konferencie o digitalizácii a moderných technológiách na Slovensku.

V rámci Cybersecurity workshop-u: “AI pomáhaj – aplikovaná umelá inteligencia pomáha pri odhaľovaní CyberSec hrozieb” sa predstavil aj náš kolega, Michal Srnec, CISO. Záznam z konferencie nájdete tu:

The Autumn ITAPA 2023 conference is one of the largest conferences on digitization and modern technologies in Slovakia. As part of the Cybersecurity workshop: “AI help – applied artificial intelligence helps in detecting CyberSec threats” our colleague, Michal Srnec, CISO presented Aliter Technologies. You can find the recording of the conference here:

Aliter Technologies is also the bronze partner of the event.




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