Benefits from each side

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Our business analyst Monika Filingrová for the weekly magazine Trend on the topic of hybrid cloud.
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For easier clarification, the hybrid cloud can be compared to a hybrid car. The hybrid car also combines two different technologies, where the car is powered by a classic combustion engine and electricity. Each of these technologies works on different principles, of course and has its advantages and disadvantages.

The symbiosis of these technologies creates a more efficient and functional tool, as well as a hybrid cloud that combines the best of different environments. The interconnected elements of the public cloud (a model in which third-party service providers make computing resources available by use) and the local infrastructure (private data centers that the company has located on its own facilities and maintains) maintain a single architecture.

The hybrid cloud is utilized and allows many companies to combine aspects of multiple solutions that best suit their requirements. Cloud services also help save money, but their main goal is to support the rapidly evolving digital environment revolution. The hybrid cloud provides agility. Organizations are constantly adapting and changing as the market transforms, so a hybrid cloud can help you gain a competitive advantage. A hybrid cloud strategy enables a combination of different public cloud providers. The big three between Amazon Web Services Outpost, Microsoft Azure Stack and Google Cloud Platform Anthos continue to dominate the market.

  • kde a ako sa budú spravovať dáta a aplikácie,

  • ako budú všetky údaje zabezpečené,

  • zvoliť si migračné prostredie,

  • cena prechodu do cloudu (často býva rozhodujúcim faktorom).

When choosing a suitable provider, it is first necessary to consider:

  • where and how the application data will be managed,

  • how all data will be secured,

  • choose a migration environment,

  • the cost of moving to the cloud (often main factor).

The most common cases of using a hybrid cloud:

  • DR (Disaster Recovery) – the organization can keep its production environment in its own local infrastructure and recovery environment in the public cloud. This means that organizations do not necessarily have to invest their resources in data centers, but only within the public cloud with lower costs to run data storage. The company replicates the data to the public cloud, but all other resources remain inoperable (e.g., computing power) until needed. In the event of a disaster, system administrators can quickly restore the application to the public cloud. When a disaster occurs, this configuration results in minimal data loss, from the view of DR operation it is the most economical solution, as the company is not forced to operate the secondary local infrastructure.


  • Migration to cloud – enterprises that are considering migration, can use the hybrid cloud model. Migration is not just a one-day activity that can be done overnight. It can take several days to weeks to complete with several migration and verification phases. Businesses with a heavy load need flexibility. In this case, you can use a hybrid cloud to start the move without having to change everything at once. A hybrid cloud could perfectly lay the foundation stone with the ability to control optimal services and resources for migrating applications to and from the cloud.


  • Privacy and processing of large data files. Data security is the alpha and omega of any company. Hybrid cloud solutions provide increased data security and security of sensitive data, allowing greater flexibility. Businesses can choose where to store their data. E.g. the most sensitive of your local infrastructure and the current remaining data in public cloud storage through container technology or encrypted APIs. Overall, the security set up in this way is separate and connected to the network at the same time. This can reduce the risk of leakage and at the same time allows the cloud structure to be flexibly expanded as needed.

Businesses have the opportunity to use their data from the local infrastructure by moving it to the public cloud. They gain access to analysis tools such as business intelligence (BI) for their large data files and knowledge acquisition, as well as data transfer from their own applications as needed. These can lead to more efficient business decisions that meet all their needs. If you are not sure what is best for your company, you can contact experienced experts who will advise you on how to do it and also help you find the most effective solution.

Monika Filingrová, business analyst Aliter Technologies, a.s.