D. Colebatch: Public cloud can help to improve public services for the citizens

  • Press
Bratislava, November 14 (TASR) – Public cloud can help to improve public services for the citizens.
D. Colebatch: Verejný cloud môže pomôcť štátu prinášať lepšie služby pre občanov

In order for public institutions to adapt cloud technologies properly, they need partners from private providers of these services. On Wednesday, at the International congress Itapa 2018 was this fact stated to TASR by David Colebatch from Aliter Technologies, Canada, who helps customers migrate to the public or hybrid cloud.

According to him, the state administration should always rely on the expertise from the private sector, as the private sector has more experience with the use of cloud. “Technologies are constantly changing, therefore government should fully use their own capacities and, where they lack the necessary expertise or experience, they should ask for help in the implementation.” Colebatch said. Furthermore, he is aware of a number of private and public sector partnerships, where private companies help ministries to build their private cloud. On the other hand, the industry has now shifted its focus from building private clouds towards hybrid and public clouds. “When you need to use state-of-the-art technologies that they do not have any experience with in your own ranks, you have to be open to external cooperation,” he said.

A big advantage of using public cloud services is better protection against cyber-attacks. Instead of creating your own security, you can use the tremendous capacity, expertise and experience from the cloud providers, which they have at a global level.

The article was published on several web news: Teraz.sk, Dnesky, 24hod.skAktuality.sk, Topky.sk, Dobré noviny


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