In addition to the data storage library, the cloud provides many other services
- Tip
The cloud helps you save files more securely and offers additional services for general users and organizations. So, in addition to storing documents in the cloud library, we can imagine these services as preparing dinner from semi-finished products, food delivery to the house or dinner in a restaurant. How does it work?
Cloud services can be divided into three categories – infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, and software as a service. In short, we call them IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. Imagine these services work as lunch preparation. If we decide to cook food at home, we must buy our own ingredients, prepare food and clean it after lunch. In IT practice, this means you must run your own IT infrastructure (server, disk storage, network devices, etc.), including managing and developing your own systems.
On the other hand, if we buy a semi-finished product, we do not have to look for other ingredients or cook food. We simply warm it up, serve it and clean after lunch. IaaS works on the same principle, so we do not need physical IT devices, such as a server, but order a virtual server service from the cloud. Subsequently, it is our responsibility to carry out all necessary installation and configuration work to make the IT service available to users.
What if we don’t want to go to the store, heat the food and want to eat it ready? We’ll have it delivered. The restaurant serves the purchase of ingredients and food preparation. We eat the food and clean after lunch. This is how PaaS works. In the cloud environment, these are services such as cloud databases, web applications, where we do not need administrators to install and configure servers, but we make the cloud platform available to developers to provide them with the necessary functionality.
What if we go to the restaurant for lunch? We don’t have to solve anything. They prepare food from the ingredients in the restaurant, serve them and after we have lunch, they will clean everything. SaaS works similarly to ordering a lunch in a restaurant. When using Saas, you order services such as Dropbox, Spotify, Netflix and many more instantly accessible via the Internet.
Type of cloud | On premise | IaaS | PaaS | SaaS |
Analogy | Home preparation | Purchase of semi-finished product | Delivery | Restaurant |
What you must do | Purchase of raw materials cooking serving Washing-up
Dining table beverages Cutlery & Crockery Ingredients Gas / Electricity | Heating pizza serving Washing-up
Dining table beverages Cutlery & Crockery Ingredients Gas / Electricity | serving Washing-up
Dining table beverages Cutlery & Crockery Ingredients Gas / Electricity | Nothing |
What cloud deals with | Nothing | Purchase of ingredients Preparing pizza
Ingredients Gas / Electricity | Purchase of ingredients cooking
Ingredients Gas / Electricity | Purchase of ingredients cooking serving Washing-up Dining table beverages Cutlery & Crockery Ingredients Gas / Electricity |
So how do you decide between services? SaaS services are widely available to general users as their use does not require IT knowledge and Internet access is sufficient. Currently, many SaaS systems for businesses and organizations such as Salesforce, MailChimp, Shopify, Slack, Confluence and many other IT systems provide SaaS. The advantage is rapid deployment of systems and pay as you go only for what you use / principle that allows organizations to respond flexibly to changing requirements.
“On Premise” solutions are solutions where an organization develops its system itself and in its own direction. It uses its employees, buys equipment and builds its own systems. Despite a wide range of cloud services, these solutions are useful for organizations, especially for force/army departments that work with sensitive or classified data.
How do we use these services in our daily lives? For example, we do not have to buy USB to have a place to store holiday photos. We simply pay for cloud storage. If we want our friends to see the photos, we don’t have to carry them with us on USB. We’ll just send them the address of the photos in the cloud and they will be able to see them anytime. If we want to edit your photos, you can do so by using an app that doesn’t need to be installed on our computer. It runs in the cloud, so we upload photos and edit. We access all services via the Internet. Thus, the cloud allows us to remotely use someone else’s computer for the tasks we used to use our computer.