Aliter Technologies Once Again in the Big Five of Deloitte Technology‘s Fast 50 CE

  • Awards
The multinational company Deloitte has announced the annual Technology Fast 50 CE ranking of the fastest growing technology companies in the Central European region based on their returns over a 4-year period.
Aliter Technologies opätovne v Big Five Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE

The Big Five is a special category, in which the biggest companies with extraordinary growth and annual revenues exceeding 25 million euros compete.

Two Slovak companies have defended their place in the Deloitte Big Five category this year as well – ESET and Aliter Technologies.

Central Europe’s Top Five Most Successful Technology Companies

1. ZOOT – Czech Republic
2. Titan Gate – Bulgaria
3. Pigu – Lithuania
4. ESET – Slovakia
5. Aliter Technologies – Slovakia


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